Welcome to BDVTrading: Your One-Stop Platform for TCG Cards, Board Games, Funko Pops, and More!

BDVTrading - Seller Benefits


A unique platform designed to bring together sellers and buyers of TCG cards, board games, Funko pops, accessories, and more. We offer a focused marketplace where passionate buyers meet enthusiastic sellers.

Benefits for Sellers

  • A personalized storefront to showcase your items.
  • A swift and secure way to upload your product inventory.
  • Real-time price indexing, with future plans for a custom pricing tool.
  • An advanced account area for easy stock management and profit reports.
  • Useful insights to help move stock effectively.
  • Simplified order management with a one-stop packing list page.
  • Smooth and direct communication with buyers.

Simple Seller Plan

We're making it easier than ever to sell on BDVTrading. For a limited time, all sellers enjoy a simple and straightforward fee structure:

Only a 5% fee on sold items!

No monthly subscription fees, no hidden costs—just a 5% commission on each sale. It's that simple.

Secure Payments

  • PayPal transfers
  • Bank transfers
  • Store Credit transfers between BDV accounts as Coupons

Join BDVTrading today and unlock the potential of a dedicated marketplace where your items are the star attraction.

Sign Up Now

July 24, 2023, 11:47 a.m.